Open 7 days

Leeman Caravan Park, Leeman

ADDRESS: Thomas St, Leeman
PETS: Dogs on leads (by arrangement)
SUITABLE FOR: Tents, Caravans and Motor Homes (including large rigs)
ACCOMMODATION: Units and cabins
FACILITIES: Full toilet amenities: Laundry; Gas BBQ’s; Shop; Powered Sites; Fuel; LPG Refill; Toddlers playground


Leeman is a small fishing town 300km north of Perth.  It has white sandy beaches just 30m from the caravan park which are perfect for fishing, windsurfing, snorkelling and diving.  This is a safe and peaceful park to spend some time under the shade of the trees.  This is perfectly suited to the family that fishes together!

Whilst in the area visit the Stockyard Gully National Park (4WD only) and  Lake Indoon or take a charter ride out to observe the sea lions.

For more information visit the Leeman Caravan Park website.

January 17th, 2013

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