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Birds for Natural Insect Control – Sue McDougall

Honey eater_Kath_WebFor any fauna to live in your garden there needs to be a food source and our native birds are some of the hardest working animals in the backyard so they are definitely worth encouraging.

This style of gardening is based around using mainly native plants to help provide food, shelter and support to our native birds and reducing the use of chemicals which also affect their food source, the insects.  Adding in a water bath in a safe spot in the garden will also offer added incentive to the birds.

It is actually very satisfying to create a garden that is both enjoyable for ourselves and the native bird population and did you know that by planting even one grevillea will attract a family of honey eaters that will eat many insects and spiders?

Grow these into your garden to attract native birds:
Native Fuschia – Correa sp
Bottlebrush- Callistemon cultivars
Kangaroo Paws
Wattles- Acacia
Blueberry Ash- Eleocarpus
Grevillea cultivars


Written by Sue McDougall, a qualified horticulturalist and experienced garden centre owner who grew up in the WA wheatbelt and has had experience in gardening throughout the entire state.  You may know Sue as the garden expert on 6PR radio and by her many TV appearances.

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